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Almost nothing is paramount to quality in healthcare, and performance improvement has an important role to play in both quality and safety. SoS 4HIT helps you in many ways when it comes to quality and performance improvement. 

Health organizations that are working to improve the patient experience and patient outcomes can face daunting challenges, realizing the need to align changes in behavior and practices across multiple levels and regions of the organization.

We help design new informational structures that support transformation and innovative business models, including:

  • 360-degree perspectives (cross-silo)

  • Minimum Viable Competencies - rapid problem-solving prototyping utilizing patient-centric, user-centered design
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement's Model for Improvement
  • Lean and Six Sigma


Changes in quality and performance improvement requires people with deep expertise in healthcare. operations and analytics: creative thinkers who understand the regulatory and compliance environment. Innovation is triggered by people who think about problems differently. 


Design thinking is the cure for the level of complexity required in healthcare.  We must move away from complexity, simplifying processes and procedures, focusing on the most humanistic aspect, so the process becomes intuitive, allowing focusing on tasks at hand. 

Improvements in quality and performance can positively affect usability issues such as those that arise from implementation, customization, layout, use and maintenance. These same factors can also contribute to reduction or elimination of medical errors—such as patients receiving the wrong dose of a drug.

What Savant Solutions for HIT can do for you:


  • Establish quality reporting infrastructure - practice, department and individual physician

  • Understand current performance against quality benchmarks.

  • Set quality goals & understand variation in practice from evidence-based guidelines

  • Identify practical strategies for improving performance


  • Set quality goals for disease & chronic condition management

  • Stratify members by risk, and create evidence-based plans of care

  • Establish team-based, patient-centric care models

  • Identify practical strategies for member engagement

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 SavantSolutions4HIT, LLC

Performance Improvement


Our experts are trained by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and have expertise in:

  • cross-functional group facilitation

  • management consulting

  • knowledge of best practices for improving quality, efficiency, and patient safety

Effective Execution


We all know Health IT initiatives that go well beyond expected timelines and allocated budgets. Our extensive experience, detailed project plans and ability to accurately estimate level of effort and necessary resources provides you with an accurate estimate of both timelines and costs.

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