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Goals: the ability to use past data to anticipate and prepare for future events —is often the goal of a revamped and centralized analytics function. However, we discovered thatpredictive analytics is only a starting point for clinical and operational algorithm development.It’s not enough to predict an event; we must also use analytics to help us prescribe theappropriate response.once analytics help determinethose actions, we must communicate these data-driveninsights to clinicians and help them incorporate the resultingchanges in a way that improves care while minimizing disruption to the current patterns ofpract

echnology alone is not enough for improved patient care. A recent McKinsey study found that only eight percent of 1,000 respondents have been able to convert analytic pilots into scalable solutions.  

93% of hospital and physician financial executives state they are actively seeking ways to link care with analytics and outcomes to support the consumerism of healthcare and shift to value-based payments through vendor solutions. Would you like to move beyond reporting quality scores to a longer view of what will those scores mean from a reimbursement perspective over time? Then we can help! Savant Solutions for Health IT will partner with you to assess the right data to sculpt the complete healthcare analytics landscape for your organization.


  • Generate curated insights for providers - decrease the time from data to decision

  • Make workflow work for you - optimize data capture to feed risk stratification, disease registries, analytics, AI, predictive algorithms, and machine learning

  • Leverage alerts, Clinical Decision Support, and automation where possible


Unfortunately, after spending years implementing EMR's, many organizations are discovering that their data can't be trusted.

In order for stakeholders to use data to make clinical decisions, they must trust that all data sources have been combined in a correct and comprehensive way that reflects a complete and accurate view of the patient's story. 

Information Governance (IG) is a "quality assurance" framework that ensures the way data is generated, collected, organized and processed preserves the quality and integrity of the information.  This level of "end-to-end transparency" into the data life-cycle assures business and clinical leaders that the data is "fit-for-purpose" and can be trusted when shaping initiatives and high-stakes choices. 

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 SavantSolutions4HIT, LLC

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