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Data Wrangking



Financial and consumer pressures are challenging the healthcare industry to improve patient outcomes and provide greater access and transparency to patients. XXX.

The past two decades have realized tremendous changes in technology.  Help modernize the healthcare industry to improve outcomes, efficient operations, decrease costs.  However, we have not realized the benefits

A March 18, 2019 publication by Fortune magazine and Kaiser Helath NEws titled "Death by a thousand clicks: where electronic health records went wrong ." In it, the joint investigators find interviews reveal a tragic missed opportunity: Rather than an electronic ecosystem of information, the nation’s thousands of EHRs largely remain a sprawling, disconnected patchwork. There have been no improvements in quality or cost.


Phase two must capitalize on opportunities where technology must create differentiated advantages and value improved patient outcomes, decreased costs, by innovation support analytics, population surveillance and improved outcomes for chronic conditions, leverage AI, ML


In order for technology’s ability to unlock deeper business value, we must turn our attention from the technology itself to design high-calue care and high-quality patient experinces. supporting enhancing business and clinical processes that ultimately realize value, and patient experience .  We must ensure that technoogy incestments fit the bigere picture and that business and clinical opportuniteis can be supported by technology capabilites and investments.  Cocreaetion  Business, technology and clinical must "cocreate"   

Specialized Business/clinical process consultants to examine how business functions can be made more efficient and compliant.It will be able to use its knowledge of technical and business processes and how they fit together to look for and influence how processes and services can be streamlined. 

As a result of software becoming more sophisticated, businesses will gradually stop focusing on technology and the associated skills. Instead, successful businesses will shift their focus to how they would like to run the organisation, how it can be improved and how business processes can be enhanced or streamlined to make the company operate more smoothly.

This shift will mean that businesses will need less technical skills and therefore fewer technically-focused people to run the information services, or IT environment. Instead, organisations will use business process consultants to examine how business functions can be made more efficient and compliant.


 chnollgy ) process (workflows that collect data, more efficient/streamlined workflow making the data into something useful gives rise to analytic ,  data mining, bi etc. because they enable you to make smarter business decisions, which is at the core of how technology drives business                                                                        

In the age of health information exchange and value-based medicine, the rising cost of that infrastructure paradigm is no longer feasible. complex resource intensive, freeing up capitaland close the gaps within the continuum of care, moving data and processing off premises allows for a fluidity of information that is perhaps only psychological but nonetheless is important. 


Data The heart of every healthcare provider organization is patient data, and there must be considerations made for this data’s use. To make the most of their healthcare offerings to patients, organizations must use data legally, while also leveraging the latest technologies for a seamless digital transformation experience. Among the data-sharing obstacles that healthcare firms face in their digital transformation journey are integrating with mobile applications, interoperability, and data formatting (as it relates to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR). APIs are one of the many solutions that help healthcare organizations extend the life of legacy and new technology assets. APIs help applications communicate with one another, accomplishing tasks including social media, eCommerce, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) operations. And the explosion of APIs as a source of revenue and efficiency continues to grow, with nearly 20,000 public APIs currently listed on Programmable Web.6 APIs are also at the center of healthcare innovation, enabling many organizations to address some of their most urgent business imperatives.APIs allow data communication and sharing between healthcare applications, adding value Solving Connectivity Challenges with APIs to patient data for better outcomes while breaking down application silos. APIs decouple applications for less complexity, providing faster time to market, accelerated patient impact, and increased scalability. Furthermore, APIs provide peace of mind to healthcare organizations by unbundling security, analytics, and governance. With applications connected together, there is less worry of having to purchase applications together. For the patient, APIs provide the ability for newer and improved experiences. The addition of mobile devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and associated applications adds depth to the patient story, aiding developers in their quest to help practitioners and patients quantify and solve their health challenges.


Dual trained clinical informaticists (technology and licened) talent has invaluable business context, history, experience, and relationships that can be leveraged to build trust and credibility. When a wave of external hires is tasked with executing rapid transformation while learning the ropes of a new job, costly mistakes can happen. A mix of internal and external talent is often the right answer; increasingly, companies are looking across the talent continuum for creative ways of accessing talent and skills.

Launch a product or service without much of the system context, the system pushes back. All of the firefighting, emotional roller-coastering, and symptom improvement is the system pushing back. Sneak up on the system by using curiosity, questioning, and experimentation to covertly pull in more and more system context into your decision making.




Our experts specialize in helping establish sound data asset strategies that ensure your organization's data is integrated, normalized, in a computable format, and trustworthy through:  

  • Alignment with existing data standards (ICD10, CPT, RxNorm, SNOMED, LOINC, CVX, UCUM and FHIR) supports quality reporting

  • Translation to a semantic data model 

  • Establishment of Entity Recognition/Resolution Models required to extract discreet information from unstructured data/text (Natural Language Processing)

  • Identification and training of data stewards


Applied Informatics


Our experts are master's prepared informaticists with deep expertise in:

  • identifying the optimal combination of EHR productivity and clinical decision support tools to support clinical effectiveness at the point of care

  • data "fit-for-purpose" - data accuracy, reliability, and suitability for use in clinical decision support, precision medicine, artificial intelligence, and machine learning

  • best practices in data governance

  • determining how Health IT products will fit within your organizational culture

  • asking the right questions

Clinical/Administrative Operations

Our experts have clinical backgrounds in both patient care and healthcare administration allowing you to:

  • Implement software "optimally" the first time

  • Address common workarounds/barriers to adoption upfront

  • Quickly establish credibility and trust with care teams


Experience and Expertise

Our clinical informaticists have practiced in the Health IT field for over 20 years across the Health IT spectrum from creating and responding to Request for Proposals (RFP's), designing and developing HIT software products, to software selection, configuration and implementation.  Our clincal and technical backgrounds bring a bredth and depth of expertise not found in your typical consulting firms.  

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 SavantSolutions4HIT, LLC

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